Yep, It's a New Year!

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We are days into the new year and for some reason, I'm not really feeling what I'm supposed to be feeling. Like Daisy Ginger in the picture above, I’m kinda over it. I should be proudly reciting my New Year’s goals and resolutions and taking deliberate steps forward with my plan. (I don't have a plan.) I should be joyfully taking down my Christmas decorations and wrapping everything neatly away for next year. (I haven’t even started.) Instead, I'm watching an alien movie and staring at the lit Christmas tree that still needs to be dismantled.

Looking back on the holidays, I can say that the days were way too crammed. My daughter got home late from college and from the moment she stepped into the house we were on the go! Good stuff and fun and lots of merriment, but we were CRAZY busy. As a result, everything went by too fast. Can anyone relate? Hence, the funk. I really want to enjoy my holidays next time and be in the moment. For real. So here’s my plan—start early. Yep, I hereby resolve to have ALL my Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving! And my tree up and decorated and my house looking Hallmark festive also before Thanksgiving! I’m serious! (Someone please remind me in September, lol!)

With that so declared and out of the way, the next order of business, after I put away all my Christmas decorations, is to work on my publishing goals. I’ve got LOTS of writing to do this year!! Finding Infiniti, the companion novella to Saving Infiniti is slated for an early summer release. Plus, I’ve got my new YA fantasy to start!

Oh, and if you haven’t heard, the first 3 books of The Final Life Series are available in a digital box set for only $6.99! Click HERE to get it now! And tell your friends! Lastly, let me leave you with two links to some FREE YA and Adult Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Paranormal reads. Click HERE and HERE to check out all the titles!

That’s it from me. Until next time!!
